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WOCCFI Of Churches Consist Of:

Team Stewart Ministries

  When 2 become 1 Flesh

Marriage, Relationships, How to Be a Man/Woman, Unity, and Communication.

Marriage is meant to be the most intimate, fulfilling relationship that two people can experience. God's Word describes marriage as a man and woman uniting to become one flesh. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24.

Dr. Tonya Stewart

Living Life By Connecting The Dots Provides Life Coach Empowerment and Counseling Sessions.

Living Life By Connecting The Dots provides people with information on how to change their behavior from negative to positive. We teach them what is ethical and not. What we do here impacts people of all ages, nationalities, and religions.

Apostle Robert & Pastor Katina Laney​ 

My Redeemers House Outreach Ministries

is an Apostolic Ministry given to Apostle Robert Laney III and His wife Co-Laborer in the Gospel Pastor Katina V. Laney.

This Ministry believes in Signs, Miracles & Wonders according to Mark 16:17-18. We also believe in the Five Fold Ministry according to Ephesians 4: 8-13. This Ministry Vision/Purpose is for the Lord to use whosoever will to draw ALL people unto HIM.

It is the vision of this ministry to see Jesus in our daily walk and to live a well- rounded, well balanced, sanctified, consecrated and devoted life unto the Lord. We here at My Redeemers House are stewards over the ministry to serve, seek out and help save the least, lost and left out.

The Burden has been placed on My Redeemer House Outreach Ministries to HELP, HEAL and Rebuild the walls of the BROKEN, BRUISED, BEAT UP, BATTERED & BACKSLIDDEN individual; And to REDIRECT them back to the one( JESUS) The Christ, the son of the Living God) who is able to given an expected end, through the Uncompromised, Uncontaminated, Unhindered & Unadulterated Word of God according to Scripture Luke 19: 9-10 and Revelation 22:17


Creating a Kingdom of God Atmosphere where we Love God, Love People & Love Ourselves. We as a body of Believers are here to empower the whole man (BODY, SOUL & SPIRIT). We are creating Disciples by teaching the word of God which has the ability to TRANSFORM each Life, RENEW MINDS and Create Clean Hearts on a daily basis so that we all can live that God kind of Life.

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Fit for Life 9154

Mind, Body, and Soul; Exercise and Nutrition; Church Advertising. Fit for Life is an organization that helps people understand the power of staying fit in their mind, body, and soul.

Apostle Tonya Stewart Author: Delivered By Truth Freed By Grace

Reveals remarkable keys and principles to assist believers on how to break free individually and corporately from strongholds and bondage.

Pastor Melvina Moore- Fresh Wind Ministries

I,  Pastor Prophetess Melvina Moore, am a hard-working woman of the High God, as well as ambassador of Jesus Christ. I was born in St. Louis, Missouri to the proud parents of Ruth and Joe. I was raised with six sisters and two brothers. My grandmother kept us in church and in her prayers, which was her way of introducing us to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But as I grew older, I began to stray away from the church and his word. I had to go through many trials and milestones to overcome my disobedience towards my parents, longing for the wrong type of intimacy, and an abusive marriage and divorce to just name a few. Fortunately, I learned that with the power of God that we can triumph overall our bad choices if we repent. In 1997, I surrendered to God and gave my will over in Jesus Christ. I joined San Francisco Temple and sat under Bishop McDaniel for four years. In that time, I learned home to become a devoted disciple. God filled me with that Holy Spirit during that time. In 2001, I was led by the Holy Spirit to join Emmanuel Temple God Is With Us under Pastor Julia Byas. She was the first female Pastor I have ever accompanied. This increased my studying, which caused me to learn how to walk in the Holy Spirit. I was baptized there and attended for five years. In 2007, I was led by the Holy Spirit to join Phileo Christian Worship Center under Prophet HL Gordon. I would travel with Prophet Gordon to different places, preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ at Phileo I was a head Prophetess. I received my Ministry License at Phileo Christian Worship Center, I started my Theology class at Phileo. Under Prophet Gordon I learned how to walk in the supernatural. Then 2013, I recorded my Clergy License by Dr. Tonya Stewart. Then God bless me with my own ministry building up the youth and business called Fresh Wind Basket Ministries. I am thankful for all of the people and churches that help me. With God’s blessing and different ministries help, now I know my passion and my destiny. Also on April 23, 2016 my last name change to Moore. I’m Dennis Moore wife, I’m pleased to call him my husband. He support the call on my life as a Mother and Minister.

Associate Pastor Yvone Harris

World Overcomers Christian Center Fellowship and The Revival, Healing and Deliverance Glory Tour Crusade:

Yvone Harris was born and raised in St Louis Missouri. Moved to Warrenton Missouri at 22. Went to Atlanta Georgia at the age of 27 where she met her first Apostle/Deliverance Minister. Yvone answered the call of God on her life at the of 28 as a Prophetess & Deliverance Minister. Yvone also met her husband Lennie Harris in Georgia they moved back to Missouri together and started a Church called Tabernacle of Faith Christian Center in 2012 in Warrenton Missouri. Pastor Lennie and Prophetess Yvone went under Leadership under Bishop Kenneth Stewart & Apostle Dr. Tonya Stewart as there Overseers. Pastor/ Elder Lennie Harris took his rest in February 2020.

Now Prophetess/Associate Pastor Yvone Harris carries on the Mission.

The Mission:

To keep the Power of Gods Miracles, Signs Wonders, Deliverance, Healing and Worship in the Body of Christ also in Families & Homes throughout the Nation.

Apostle Jennifer Harris

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